How to Use Your Mac's Safe Boot Option

Apple has offered a Safe Boot (in some cases called Safe Mode) alternative as far back as Jaguar (OS X 10.2.x). Safe Boot can be a key investigating step when you're having issues with your Mac. These can be issues with beginning your Mac up or issues you go over while utilizing your Mac, for example, having applications not begin or applications that appear to make your Mac stop, crash, or shutdown. 

Safe Boot works by enabling your Mac to fire up with the insignificant number of framework expansions, inclinations, and text styles it needs to run. By limiting the startup procedure to simply those segments that are required, Safe Boot can enable you to investigate issues by confining the issues. 

Safe Boot can get your Mac running again when you're having issues brought about by degenerate applications or information, programming establishment issues, or harmed textual styles or inclination records. In all cases, the issue you may experience is either a Mac that neglects to totally boot and stops sooner or later en route to the work area, or a Mac that boots effectively, yet then stops or crashes when you attempt explicit errands or utilize explicit applications. 

You may have heard both of these terms bandied about. In fact, they're not exchangeable, albeit a great many people aren't going to mind which term you use. Be that as it may, just to clear things up, Safe Boot is the way toward compelling your Mac to fire up utilizing the absolute minimum of framework assets. Experimental Mode is the mode your Mac works in once it finishes a Safe Boot. 

What Happens During a Safe Boot? 
  • During the startup procedure, a Safe Boot will do the accompanying: 
  • Burden just the absolute minimum of piece augmentations OS X needs to run. 
  • Cripple all text styles other than those situated at/System/Library/Fonts. These are the textual styles provided by Apple; all outsider textual styles will be handicapped. 
  • Move all text style reserves to the junk. 
  • Cripple all startup or login things. 
  • Erase the dynamic loader store (OS X 10.5.6 or later). This can fix issues that reason a blue screen solidify at startup. 

When the Safe Boot is finished, and you're at the Mac work area, you'll be working in Safe Mode. Not all OS X highlights work in this exceptional mode. In particular, the accompanying abilities will either be restricted or won't work by any means. 
  • DVD Player won't work. 
  • iMovie won't almost certainly catch video. 
  • Gadgets associated with the sound in or sound out won't work. 
  • Air terminal cards may not work. This relies upon which adaptation of the card and which variant of the OS is being used. 
  • Quartz Extreme won't run. Applications that utilization Quartz Extreme highlights, for example, translucent windows, may not work effectively.
  • System document sharing will be crippled in OS X 10.6 and later.

To Safe Boot your Mac with a wired console, do the accompanying: 
  • Close down your Mac. 
  • Press and hold the move key. 
  • Start up your Mac. 
  • Discharge the move key once you see the login window or the work area. 
  • To Safe Boot your Mac with a Bluetooth console, do the accompanying: 
  • Begin your Mac up. 
  • When you hear the Macs startup sound, press and hold the move key. 
  • Discharge the move key once you see the login window or the work area.

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